Book a Call


Here's what you can expect...


All consultations are conducted via online video chat using a secure, HIPAA compliant platform. Prior to the call, you will complete an intake or follow-up form, and submit any relevant lab work, testing, or diagnostics. After every consult you'll receive a comprehensive, personalized recommendations form that includes (subject to change based on your goals):

  • Lifestyle Integrations
  • Nutritional Guidance
  • Supplement Protocol
  • Custom Herbal Formulas
  • Additional Lab Work + Testing Recommendations

The initial consultation is typically 90 minutes, enabling us to deeply explore your health history, intake forms, and any relevant lab work. I'll ask plenty of questions about your symptoms, concerns, and wellness goals, collecting as much information as possible to begin building a narrative and understanding of your unique case. Once we've had our first call, follow-ups are usually 40 minutes. During this time we check-in on your progress regarding your recommendations from the last consult, while also addressing any new concerns that may have arisen. 


There's three package options available for those looking to work together. The larger the package, the greater the discount. This is intended to help those dealing with ongoing, chronic conditions to minimize their costs. Once you've completed any of the packages, you will be able to book single consultations that are 90m, 60m, 40m, and 20m long, as needed. When not dealing with an acute/chronic condition, I recommend checking in around 2-4x per year. If you're unsure which package is right for you, I highly recommend booking a FREE Q+A call! 


Our virtual calls are a safe, inclusive, and compassionate space, always centering your care around your needs and experiences. I BELIEVE YOU. Always. I am here to support you and validate your experience. I am fully dedicated to helping you [my clients] truly feel better, achieve lasting results, + make your wellness dreams reality!

Together we will implement the foundational tools of herbal medicine, traditional nutrition, + nature connected living so you can experience greater immunity, vitality, clarity, energy, and JOY. Healing from chronic lyme + illness doesn't have to be rocket science and you do not have to push through the pain. You CAN heal without herxing. In fact, with the right tools, this journey can be deeply nourishing, graceful, and transformative. 
Remember that you are not alone, we're in this together, and healing IS possible.
*If this feels financially out of reach, I am currently working on setting up a Free Clinic to expand access to care. I am also happy to refer you to others who may be able to help! In the meantime, please be sure to check out my instagram, podcast, and ongoing classes + workshops to continue learning!  

incorporate the holistic foundations to 
healing with lyme + chronic illness
and find your SHINE again

Tucked away in a lush coastal community along the Pacific Ocean, Heritage Apothecaries is filled with locally grown seasonal remedies, hand-gathered and crafted to nourish the mind, body, and spirit.

Clients have exclusive access to a wide array of masterfully blended and formulated therapeutic herbal remedies custom made just for them.


 "I had some of my custom tincture blend for the first time today and I definitely feel more focused and more clarity. I don't know if it’s supposed to work that fast, but I’m here for it!!!"

*   *   *

"I can't live without the Inner Peace tincture Kelsey shared! My entire family was using it to help us relax and get to sleep during a stressful period, but now it's a favorite of mine that I use whenever my anxiety is ramped up."


"Kelsey is an incredibly skilled herbalist. I felt very listened to and cared for during my consultation with her. She is so knowledgeable with regards to human physiology and herbal medicine. The herbal formula she crafted for me not only fits my physical condition, but also my emotional and spiritual personality. Every time I take it, I feel a rush of care running through me, as Kelsey chose these herbs to work together with me in this specific time of my life. I highly recommend her services."


“Overall, I have felt a positive affect from regularly taking the tinctures! For a few weeks now, I have been consistently taking them every morning and just recently started morning and night. I’ve also been taking the recommendation to try to work less, have a relaxing sleep routine, and get more sleep, so it’s hard to directly correlate what’s what but I do feel a reduction in the negative symptoms that I began this process with – primarily stress, anxiety, and fatigue. I’ve also noticed that I have had actual “cravings” for the tinctures where they pop into my head and I clearly wanted to take some out of nowhere... I have only positive things to say about this experience and have felt in such great hands with Kelsey as we figure out the right protocol to meet me where I am”.